Tuesday, September 28, 2010

さんしゅうかん - Three Weeks

こんにちは、がっこう の だいさんしゅう です。にほんご は はど です。

Hello, it's the third week of school. Japanese is hard.

It's been three weeks since classes started. School has been alright, same old same old. The most interesting parts of my week are probably the times when I have Japanese. So far, Japanese has been pretty frustrating at times. It is definitely harder (for me) than learning Chinese, and the work probably takes up as much time as all my other classes combined. I think the hardest part of it is retaining all the vocabulary that we learn every day. Although we have quizes on about 20 words everyday, I would be lying to say I still remember all those words by the time a week has passed after the quiz. Recalling words that we have learned a couple of days ago takes a long time, and sometimes I would find myself flipping through the textbook in class to look up words. That being said, I have to admit I am learning an enormous amount of Japanese in the process. I feel like I am slowly beginning to be able to form sentences more easily. I still can't believe I had learned an entirely new alphabet in about a week's time (excited about Katakana).

So in short, Japanese has been very frustrating yet fun. As expected.


にほんご の のうと (Japanese Notebook):
いまは ごごしちじ にです。きょう は かようび です。わたし は さんじからごじ ねました。ばんごう は なんばん ですか。
It is seven P.M. Today is Tuesday. I slept from four to six. What's your number?



ジャイミ said...

Heh. I have trouble with all the vocab too. So many words thrown at us at once! I find it easy to memorize the words of the week, but I couldn't tell you what last week's words were either :( I hope I do okay on the tests!

つくし said...

How was your midterm?
I had to re-memorize all the vocabs.
and even Hiraganas kk

Nu Ne Re Me were so confusing : (

Jamin Seo said...

わたしは ノートルダム だいがくの がくせいです。にほんごは たいへんですね。

Genette said...

おはよう ございます!ガフニーです。 ノートルダイム だいがくの にほんごの がくせいです。I'm sorry you are frustrated with your class =/ that's so sad. I love my Japanese class and hope by the end of your class that you love yours too.


staylo said...

せんこうはこおがくです。 Therefore, I'm not very used to taking language classes and utilizing that side of my brain! It's definitely a challenge, but I'm definitely getting better at it. I like learning taking a class on something so different than signals & systems or electromagnetic fields and waves!

Ai said...

サイモンさん、こんにちは。TAの みぞぐちです。どうぞよろしく。日本語のべんきょうは、たいへんですね。がんばってください。BTW, your nickname and the picture make me hungry(^o^)

Raedesu said...

Yeah I feel the same way about those quizzes. I kind of remember some words.lol..

oh and..
わたし の でんわ ばんごう は ごごごさんのいちはちのにににご です。

Chaesang said...

おはようございます。 はじめまして,JPNS C1101.002の フアン ホサプデス。しゃえかはとてもおいしね? Had to post on someone's blog, see you around.

pengfeigao1211 said...

たいへんですね、but i think other classes you take in junior year for FE track もたいへんです

good luck

Jim said...


I got so excited today when I saw that you commented on my blog! Then, I realized that you had too for the class. -___-"


Idée Fixe said...

Hey, are you by any chance part of the Chinese Conversation Club?