Monday, September 20, 2010


わたし は さいもん です。 ころんびあ だいがく の さんなんせい がくせい です。 これ は わたし の にほんご ぶろぐ。 どぞよろしく。


Hi, my name is Simon. I am a third-year student at Columbia. This is my Japanese blog. Nice to meet you.

That's (hopefully) what the Japanese up there says.  Why am I taking Japanese?  I am taking Japanese because Japan is one of those places I can realistically see myself visiting a lot in the future. I am interested in East Asian languages and cultures and have already taken two years-worth of Chinese in the past (Elementary I in my freshman year and Intermediate II at Beijing the summer after that).  From my experiences in taking Chinese, I found that the feeling I first got from being able to hold my own in a conversation with native speakers in China was one of the most satisfying feelings in my life.  By taking Japanese, I hope to be able to reexperience those times of excitement and adventure in the process of learning a new language.  So far, the first two weeks have been pretty intense with all the quizzing and hiragana sheets, but I know that the results at the end of the year will be more than worth it.



Raedesu said...

さいもん さん、これ は れいちえる です. I didn't know you spoke Chinese.
すごい! I hope you get the same feeling from Japanese that you did with Chinese

つくし said...

はい、わかりません、that you could speak Chinese.
どぞ よろしく in Japanese class.

Patrick Woods said...

さいもんさん、I also didn't know you spoke ちゅうごくご。おもしろいです!I would be interested to know if it is much easier for you when we start to learn kanji.
